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Use the special :foreach attribute on a block that needs to be rendered as many times as there are elements in a list.

Its value must be a valid plain php foreach expression.

    <li :foreach="$this->fruits as $fruit">
        {{ $fruit }}


Same, but this time, the :for attribute value must be a valid for loop expression

    <li :for="$i = 0; $i < 10; $i++">
        {{ $i }}


Any local variable introduced by the :for or :foreach expression is available inside its corresponding block

Conditional and array rendering attributes combination

:if :else-if :else (conditional rendering attributes) and looping attributes can be used on the same html element but behaves differently depending on their declaration order.

Conditional rendering attribute first

When using one of :if :else-if :else attributes first, the entire loop rendering will depend on the output of the conditional expression.

This template will or will not render the entire array (imagine a for[each] loop inside an if statement):

Conditionaly render the entire array
    :foreach="$this->numbers as $number"
    {{ $number }}

Looping attribute first

When using one of the looping attributes first, the only conditional attribute allowed is :if. In this situation, the conditional expression acts as a filter on the list (imagine an if statement inside a for[each] loop).

This template only render even numbers:

Filter array's elements to render
    :foreach="$this->numbers as $number"
    :if="$number % 2 == 0" 
    {{ $number }}