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Component linting

Under the hoods, the Sapin compiler merges the php and html part of a component into a single php class. The template part is transformed into a render method that belong to this class.

Given the Greeter Sapin component:

The Greeter component

namespace App\Component;

final readonly class Greeter
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
    ) {}
} ?>

    <span>Hello, {{ $this->name }}!</span>

Here is its compiled version (simplified):


class _Greeter
    public function __construct(
        public string $name,
    ) {

    public function render(): void
        ?><span>Hello, <?php echo $this->name;?></span><?php

Sapin does not use any opaque array to carry over data from php to templates rendering (like some other templates engines like twig do). It consumes the data it needs directly.

Thus, compiled Sapin components are fully lintable ! This give the opportunity to validate all the php expression you write inside the template part. If you use a variable, method, or anything else that is not defined, your linter will be able to detect that 🎉

Linter configuration